Out of control

I am really struggling right now.

I’ve been sick the past four days, so I haven’t been working out, which is understandable. But I feel like everything else is spiralling out of control: eating, spending, procrastinating, being lazy… I can’t seem to get my shit together.

My diet is the main problem. I don’t know what happened, but ever since Whole30 it’s like I’m afraid to tell myself NO. And nothing ever feels like it’s enough! One delicious cookie isn’t enough to satisfy anymore – the second I’m done eating it, I want ice cream, or chocolate, or another different cookie. I’m all for moderation and I was super successful doing IIFYM in the past, where I was able to plan a daily treat into my diet. But I keep sliding back into multiple-treat days, not logging my food, not planning my meals, and buying copious amounts of takeout when I have perfectly good food at home. I’m ashamed at how much produce has gone to waste in the last month or two because I kept putting off making the meals I promised myself I would.

I keep planning to start over and do better every day, and then the day comes and the cravings kick in and I give into them. I stand in the store and think, “No, I don’t need to buy that half-price Easter chocolate; I’m not buying it today” and then 30 seconds later I’m paying for it at the till. I haven’t done proper prep or meal planning in ages. I don’t know what’s wrong except that I just feel so TIRED and UNMOTIVATED. It’s like I used up all of my effort and energy in January doing Whole30 and I haven’t been able to get back to that level since.

My pants are getting tighter. I’m not drinking enough water. My skin sucks. I feel crappy! How do I fix it?! I’m so overwhelmed by my failures!!!

Okay, enough with the dramatics. Time to refocus. Let’s set some goals.

1. Resume 30×30 to get back into the exercise habit
2. Refill and drink my water bottle at least 3x each day (750ml x 3 = 2.25L)
3. Start daily tracking again with MFP, even if it’s bad
4. Make a meal plan for next week and stick to it
5. Practice willpower – just say no

I’m not some mindless, single-celled organism that impulsively responds to external stimuli. I run the brain. I make the choices. Time to make better ones, dammit!

2 thoughts on “Out of control

  1. Ugh I’m doing the same! I did a weight loss challenge for 12 weeks in bootcamp. I lost 30, won $500 and now it’s gone to shit! First it was a couple treat meals to celebrate. Plan was to get back on track, then it became a treat week. Then chaos as I’m back to work and we’ve eaten out more times than I’d like to admit :(. So much money spent on healthy groceries with a plan and I’m spending more on garbage!! I barely eat at work and don’t drink anything besides my costly Starbucks addiction because I’m running around like I have my head cut off. I need to get back on track to get that last bit of baby weight and more off!!!! Ugh it’s hard 😦


  2. it’s hard when you hit multiple week of not eating or exercising as you should be. a few days are easy to bounce back from, but a few weeks are incredibly tough. part of the reason you are so tired is because of how you are eating and the lack of water. just keep that in mind. I know you’ve likely thought about that though! I think you’re making a good start with tracking your eating, even if it isn’t perfect. maybe the numbers you see on there will shock you enough to get you preparing your food ahead of time. it also might help to look at your bank account statement and see how much money you have spent on eating poorly. I know, when money is tight, it often helps seeing how much is wasted on putting bad fuel into the body. oh and at the grocery store, instead of walking down the junk food aisles, avoid them, and if you see the half price easter chocolate stacks there, just glance at them and tell yourself to keep on walking. at my grocery store the easter chocolate/bulk chocolate area is RIGHT beside the chicken section, so I just turn my back to it and put my attention on buying chicken. it’s hard, but it helps to straight away ignore it, instead of spending time contemplating it.


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