
I’ve started a new fitness challenge: 30 consecutive days of 30 minutes of physical activity (minimum). Since my trip to Texas, my fitness routine has hit the skids and I desperately need something to get me back on track. Monday I went for a 10k hike and yesterday was a lame 30-minute power walk at 10 PM because I procrastinated all evening and was too full from my late dinner to go for a run. The rest of the month will be better though, now that I have a plan!


Maybe a touch ambitious, but I tried to allow for some easier workouts since I can’t take any actual rest days.

Today will be my first day back in the gym after a few weeks off. I’ve decided to try Wendler’s 5/3/1 (LOL at that website making it sound more hardcore than it is) because I got burnt out and bored doing Starting Strength and Stronglifts over the last year and a half, both of which focus on low reps/high weights for a few “big lifts”. 5/3/1 is similar, but you get to do accessory lifts (and there are a variety of accessory “programs” to choose from), and it focuses more on volume. Also, it’s a short workout, never more than an hour. But the best part is that I don’t have to do any thinking, planning, or tinkering of my own because of this AMAZING calculator. I simply punched in my numbers and it spit out my entire program for the next 4-6 weeks. Beautiful.

My other plan is to run the MEC half in Richmond on June 7. I run much more consistently with a goal in mind, and this race is only $20, compared to over $100 for BMO or $80 for Scotia. Race registration is a goddamn racket!

Anyway, I’m excited to have a plan, but I’m also dreading going back to the gym. It’s been a nice break doing next to nothing for the last few weeks, but I have to stop the slide now before it becomes a rut. I know I’ll feel better after I go, and everything will get easier as the routine is re-established. A body in motion tends to stay in motion, right?!

One thought on “30×30

  1. I follow a girl on instagram who every few months does the 30×30 challenge as she finds it holds her very accountable for what she does with her day and time. I think a few times she has fallen off the wagon, so to speak, around the 15 day mark, but there are other times where she is successful for the full 30 days. I think this is a great plan, and with all the variety you have in there, you aren’t likely to get bored of what you are doing, and after the 30 days you’ll probably find you’ll have re-formed the addiction to get your heart rate up every day. I was going to say that Saturdays might be tougher for you given that the weather is becoming amazing and patios and stuff will be calling. But because you’ve got the June half marathon goal in place then it shouldn’t be a problem!


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